Relationship Counselling & Marriage Guidance Near Ashford, Surrey
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Stuck relationships


At Marriage Counselling Surrey, experience shows, time and time again, that poor communication is at the root of most relationship problems. Sometimes couples find themselves unable to communicate and become stuck in a state of arguing and unhappiness so struggle to resolve the issues between them. As a result one or both parties give up the will to make the relationship work.

Why do relationships become stuck?

More problems are caused in relationships when things go unsaid, than when they are said; as long as they are said in the right way. One of the most common reasons couples become ‘stuck’ in the same vicious cycle of arguing is often because of a lack of honesty. Honesty is not the same as lying, it’s about not telling the truth. Not telling the truth about how you really feel and what you need. Likewise, telling the truth about what is bothering you about your partner’s behaviour. A result of this act of honesty can lead to resentment building on one or both sides.

Common problems that go unsaid:-

A feeling of not being listened to.
Feeling unappreciated or taken for granted.
An angry or aggressive partner.
A partner who sulks or a lack sex and intimacy.
Different values around children and money or who spending too little time together.

What is honesty in a relationship?

People often avoid being honest with their partner through a fear of conflict or a belief they won’t be listened to. Resulting in problems getting pushed under the carpet, by one of both parties. This can go on for many years. Being honest is about taking responsibility for how you feel and why. It’s about talking to your partner calmly and openly. Above all, it’s not about attributing blame or getting angry. It’s important to remember, as human beings we only tend to really listen when we don’t feel attacked or criticised.

How Marriage Counselling Surrey can help

Our couple counsellors will help you find an effective way of communicating with each other. Together, you will explore what’s not working, from your perspective. Above all, you will both have the opportunity to talk and to be heard. Effective communication is the vital ingredient for a successful relationship.

If you are experiencing relationship problems. Perhaps it’s time to pull up the carpet and get everything out on the table. Consequently, your relationship can move forward in a much more positively way with a new understanding. If you would like some professional help at Marriage Counselling Surrey contact us today. Request an appointment

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