
Relationship Counselling – What Are You Waiting For?

couple counselling Bromley

Problems in your relationship?

You certainly don’t need to wait until there are big issues in your relationship in order to seek some help at couple counselling Bromley. Taking action early can help resolve any problems before they get out of hand and resentment starts to set in.

It’s all too easy to try and blame our partner for any issues within our relationship. However, if we are honest, are we also taking responsibility for trying to make our relationship work? Are we using the right skills ensure we effectively communicate with our partner?

Could you benefit from finding out the part you both play in creating a happy or unhappy relationship? If so, this is how relationship counselling can help:-

Defining your issues

When couples come to us they are helped to quickly identify any unresolved issues from the past or present either one may have. it’s common for people to try and ignore or avoid issues. However, they don’t go away just because they are not talked aobut. They just begin to fester and eat away at the relationship.

It could be an unresolved argument you had years ago, which wasn’t properly resolved and has led to resentment. Perhaps you didn’t feel listened to or understood – but it has never been mentioned since. Perhaps it’s something to do with how your partner behaves that you are not happy about or something external to the relationship that is impacting it.

Once any issues are out on the table, it’s surprisingly liberating process for both parties. Our relationship counselling Bromley will help you define your issues in the right way that doesn’t just come across as a criticism.

Resolving conflict

At couple counselling Bromley we will help you communicate more openly with one another. In the presence of a relationship expert, you’ll be encouraged to talk about what might lead to an area of conflict. Our couple counsellors well then help you find a solution that is a compromise to both parties. It might not be easy at first because it’s natural for each person to feel ‘wronged’ by their partner when they first arrive in therapy. However, by allowing your partner the time to share what they think and how they feel, you will more than likely find, you are able to look at things from a completely different perspective and realise you weren’t necessarily ‘right’ the whole time.

Reflecting on the relationship.

A relationship has a past, present and future and three will look different as people change over time. It’s important to set some time aside to reflect on that. To know where you two started, where you are currently, and what your expectations are of the future. Our relationship counsellors Bromley will guide you through that process and make it easier for you.

Earn and give respect

Respect is one of the key ingredients for a happy relationship. If we give respect to our partner from day one, we earn respect. However, respect is one of the first things to diminish in a relationship when things start to go wrong. We then start to develop a negative mindset and start questioning our partner and their actions. We often end up criticising each other, on the surface it would appear for no reason but this is usually because hurt, anger or resentment has built up over the years

Respect is a two way street and is needed in a relationship to make it last happily for the long terms. Our relationship counselling Bromley will help you find out what respect means to you and your partner. If you share how you feel and are honest about what bothers you and what is important to you, chances are you’ll get the same in return.

Relationships are about giving and receiving. That means doing what needs to be done first, without immediately expecting your partner to do the same. All that can happen with the help of an expert, so why not contact couple counselling Bromley via Relationship Counselling Surrey today. Request an appointment

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