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Jealousy in Relationships

Couples frequently seek relationship help because of jealousy, on one or both sides, negatively affecting their relationship.

Our couple counseliors understand that jealousy can rear its ugly head in any relationship. It’s a destructive emotion with a poisonous effect on a happy relationship.

The person on the receiving end of a jealous partner is likely to resent having so little trust put in them and may begin to feel suffocated or controlled. This is likely to cause resentment to build up over time.  The jealous partner will  also suffer. The lack of trust they feel towards their partner is likely to make them feel insecure and isolated.

The signs of jealousy

You might feel rational one minute and then completely irrational the next. You might start to believe your irrational thoughts even though you know  deep down they cannot be true.  You might feel very insecure and become watchful of your partner’s every move.  You might feel you’re unable to trust them and start to feel rejected and unloved. You may question what  what they are doing at all times.

Jealousy can cause you to experience a range of feelings, from insecurity and suspicion to rejection, fear, anger or anxiety. If you think jealousy might be an issue in your relationship why not ask yourself the following questions:

Are you jealous?

Do you question your partner about where they have been and who they have been talking to? Perhaps you feel the need to check their phone, Face Book or e-mail? Maybe you accuse your spouse of flirting?

Jealousy is an unhealthy, miserable, destructive emotion and can often can cause you to say things that you later regret. Jealousy and suspicion robs you of your peace of mind and wreaks havoc in your relationship. It comes through in the way you talk and the way you act, often creating unnecessary worry, fear and confusion.

There are of course times when you might feel you have valid reason to check up on your partner, perhaps they have lied to you in the past? It’s never a good idea to ignore your ‘gut feeling’ or any warning signs that something is wrong. However, it’s always best to try and deal only with ‘factual’ evidence. For many people, jealous impulses are fear-driven and not linked to facts. For more information about jealousy – read our blog Romantic Jealousy

Want relationship help?

If you have proof that your partner is lying or perhaps disrespecting you in the way they behave, then of course it is best to try and discuss your feelings with them.

However, if you have been unsuccessful, unable or they have been unwilling to talk or listen, then perhaps seeking the help of one of our couple counsellors at Relationship Counselling might be the answer in helping you find the answers you need to help you both move forward. Contact Us Now


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